Sunday 1 July 2012

Is a Silent Killer Creeping Up On You?

Well I am pleased as I weighed myself this morning and have lost 2 lbs so watching the calories certainly works.  However, as I said earlier this week I have been studying a new way of eating and I am going to start it tomorrow so watch this space and I'll let you know the results

I have just been reading through this New Plan and I came across an article on Salt which I found very interesting, see what you think...........


Many people follow a low-salt diet because they have been led to believe that salt and

sodium are bad and unhealthy. Well, this belief may only be partially true. Salt is important in the

body for several functions.

Chemically, culinary salt is NaCl—sodium chloride, made up of equal amounts sodium

(Na) and chloride (Cl). “Sodium is an essential nutrient that the body cannot manufacture, yet is

required for life itself. Chloride is vital for optimum health, it preserves the acid–base balance in

the body, aids potassium absorption, supplies the essence of digestive stomach acid, and enhances

the ability of the blood to carry carbon dioxide from respiring tissues to the lungs” (Regenerative

Nutrition n.d.). But the only way to receive all of the life-sustaining benefits of salt is to

consume the right kind of salt: unrefined sea salt, not processed table salt.

Salt has such a bad reputation because 99% of the world’s salt research has been done

on commercial table salt—the only salt that most Americans know. Some of the best scientific

research on the healthy properties of unrefined sea salt are written in French, German, and

Portuguese; unfortunately, few American doctors have read them. So instead of suggesting that

patients use unrefined sea salt, American doctors suggest avoiding salt altogether, which can be

dangerous. In many parts of France, when a person visits a physician about a heart problem or

high blood pressure, the first question asked may be, “What kind of salt do you use?”

Some doctors believe that a low-salt diet can cause high blood pressure. A salt-free diet

can damage heart valves and negatively affect the contractibility of the heart muscles. Biochemically,

cells starve without salt.

In brief, salt

aids in balancing blood sugar levels

is needed for the absorption of food particles through the intestinal tract

is a strong natural antihistamine

can help prevent muscle cramps

is needed to make bones strong

regulates and normalizes blood pressure

increases energy levels

helps regulate the metabolism

helps maintain proper electrolyte balance

supports the immune system

The refined white table salt typically found at the grocery store is different from unrefined

sea salt, so its effects on the body are not the same. The body cannot assimilate isolated synthetic

sodium chloride (from typical refined salt), which contains none of the valuable minerals

and trace elements of unrefined sea salt, so the system recognizes it as a poison. Refined table

salt often contains anti-caking agents, some of which are aluminum based. (Aluminum is linked

with heavy metal toxicity and possibly even Alzheimer’s disease.) One such example is sodium

silicoaluminate, which is thought to be associated with kidney problems and mineral malabsorption.

Sodium acetate, a preservative, may cause elevated blood pressure, kidney disturbances, and water

retention (Chek 2004, 78).

I recommend that you replace refined table salt with Celtic sea salt, which can be found at most

food stores.  

It is extremely healthy and has the exact opposite effect of refined salt. It provides sodium chloride

in a form that that the body needs to function. It offers the perfect balance of minerals, nutrients,

and sodium chloride that the body needs for optimum health. Your body can recognize and

absorb these essential nutrients efficiently. Ninety trace elements found in the Earth’s crust give

unrefined Celtic sea salt its vital grayish color, and its slight moistness keeps the salt and minerals

in a form that the body can assimilate (Regenerative Nutrition n.d.).

Even heart patients and people with high blood pressure can use Celtic sea salt (but they

will receive its benefits only if they eliminate all forms of processed salt, sodium, and table salt

from their diets). The heart is fed by a saline solution from the blood and lymph and requires

proper amounts of sodium and potassium to function. Without salt in the diet, the heart cannot

contract normally, and the valves may be damaged (Regenerative Nutrition n.d.). If you don’t salt

your food, add a pinch of sea salt to each liter bottle of water you drink to maintain electrolyte

and energy levels.

Clearly, salt is important to optimum health. Simply eating salty food is not the answer;

using Celtic sea salt is. As with other dietary recommendations, moderation is always essential.

by Isabel De Los Rios

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